Produced by Gwendal Castellan

The original version of the website for Long Road North used Flash and although it worked well we all know that flash is finally part of the internet past, so I created this version to be able to share the film online.

Long Road North is the film produced following my Journey from Ushuaia in Patagonia to Inuvik in the Northwest Territories by bicycle over 18 months.

Why do this?

  • I set out because I worked in an office without any windows, and the world beckoned. I’d recently tasted the appeal of shorter cycle-touring trips and wanted to do more, a lot more.
  • I was and still am fascinated by the relationship we have with cities and their connection to their surroundings. I thought that travelling by bicycle would reveal something as I moved from cities to hinterland and beyond into wilderness, all the time connecting with people who live and work all along that thread.

I currently live in Vancouver and now have two children. This journey set my life on a new course and has shaped my worldview and the way I make decisions. I hope that by watching this film you will also find a window into the journey and how it transformed me and the people who shared it with me.

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